
Monday, August 07, 2006

Catalpa Ridge News Vol 11 No 10 - Week of August 7th

125˚F Field Temperature & Tomatoes are here!
Since it was so hot & unbearable last week, Farmer Rich placed a thermometer in the field where he & helper Leslie were working. The high temperature was recorded at 125˚F last week. Of course Farmer Rich & Leslie could not work in the field but did get some garlic cleaned up by working in the shade. It was only 106˚F there!

Fair Time - every year we exhibit some veggies at the fair, looking for a few ribbons. This year we did very well with the garlic, with 50% of our entries receiving blue ribbons. We exhibited 36 different varieties of garlic and both the soft neck & hard neck received Best-in-Show. Our veggies didn't fair as well, as with everyone else was in the same boat too. The judges gave out very few blue ribbons this year which is a reflection of the overall poor season we are having. First too dry, then too wet, then too dry again, then too hot! Wow - we always wait for the perfect season but it never comes. Only 18% of the ribbons were blue, 31% were red and 51% were yellow this year compared to 32% blue, 33% red & 35% yellow in 2005. The fair runs to Sunday the 13th, so if you want to see the exhibits, crafts, farm animals, etc drive up to the Sussex Farm & Horse Show-NJ State Fair in August, NJ. Of course they also have some great greasy food!

From the Fields: Farmer Rich had to rototill the field with the newly seeded beets as they did not germinate due to it being too dry. This area has been replanted with Golden Ball turnips & dicon radishes. The recently planted cilantro is not up. Our planting of dicon & Sharona (Japanese cabbage) should be coming in next week's delivery. The Japanese turnips in greenhouse #2 which failed have been replanted for the fall season.

Weather Report:It remains severely dry at the farm and the ground is cracking. It is about 4 weeks now without any quantity of rain. Farmer Rich continues to irrigate & keep the crops mulched to preserve moisture in the ground (this is almost the same notes we made last year at this time)!

Sweet Corn Report - the bear, deer & raccoons have eaten all of Farmers Heather & Adam Hubbard's sweet corn that we had delivered last week. I guess it was so good the animals couldn't resist. So much for four plantings of sweet corn! The fields looked like the bear just decided to lie down & shoveled the corn into their mouths.

Animal Report: He's back! The groundhog has returned to irritate Farmer Rich. It continues to eat the parsley & chicory and Farmer Rich has found where he is breaking in and fixed if for the time being. Sometime Farmer Sue though perhaps Farmer Rich should plant a crop of parsley OUTSIDE the fence to keep Mr. Groundhog happy & away from your produce!

Fruit Report: First of the peaches this year - Raritan Rose (THE NJ Peach) variety from Windy Brow Farm.

Creature of the week:

Swallowtail (half-tail) butterfly pollinating the bee balm!

Pick of the Week:Click on the link below (or on the right) for your drop-off location. This time of year the deliveries will be the same in pounds & variety but may include different items at each location.

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