
Monday, September 14, 2009

Volume 14 No 15 - Week of September 14th

Believe it or not!

Believe it or not we needed rain and it came on Friday & Saturday. So far with all the rainy days we have had this season we haven't missed out on any work at the farm nor have had to send the crew home early. Between working in the greenhouses & finding other important tasks that need to be done our crew has worked through those rainy days and more positively have not had a sick day either.FuzzySquash in the Field.jpg

If you want to have a good laugh you must read an article by our Hoboken South CSA coordinator Carolyn in her "The Crisper Whisperer" article for Serious Eats. Farmer Rich and I were laughing hysterically and it is a great read. We even went so far as to post a photo of the "fuzzy squash, hairy gourd or Mo Qua" growing on the vine for all to see. Click here for a link to the article. Actually both Lisa and Ali like these fuzzy squash better than zucchini or other summer squash that are more traditional. Seems like many are turned off by their appearance, but they taste great!

This week you will be receiving both Apples & Asian Pears. The Gravenstein Apples are from Windy Brow Farm and the Asian Pears are from a local grower whom Rich met recently. The Gravenstein Apple is perhaps one of the most versatile apples and great for baking & cooking with its sweet/tart flavor. The Asian Pear actually looks more like an apple than it does a pear and it too has crispy & juicy fruit. There are two varieties, one being mostly yellow and the other mostly russet. They both taste delicious, actually we like the russet one better.

From the Fields: Our late plantings are actually coming along quite nicely. We received some rain that we needed after a week of dry weather. Farmer Rich is still rounding up tomatoes from neighboring farmers and they are getting more and more difficult to find. We know tomatoes are important to the deliveries and we try will to keep them in the deliveries as long as we can. We should start having some winter squash in the deliveries by next week. Farmer Scott was spending Sunday harvesting more potatoes. The Sweet Peppers continue to do well and hopefully we won't get an early frost.

The crew pulled up plastic on some of the beds that were not producing in anticipation of preparing those beds for garlic planting. The remaining beds that aren't producing as going to be cover cropped with oats for the winter in preparation of next year. Many of the local farmers are already getting ready for next year and planting rye in their fields. It is hard to believe that after virtually no summer it is already time to starting thinking about next year.

Weather Report: Rain on Friday & Saturday, but it was needed for the crops that have been planted recently over the past few weeks. During the rainy days we cleaned up some garlic so the days weren't wasted.

Animal Report: We have a cat sneaking into the fields, which is keeping any field voles & mice away. The crew hasn't nicknamed it yet so we'll just refer to it as the "farm cat" for now.

Pick of the Week: click on the links below or to the right to bring you to the delivery specific to your pick-up location. Deliveries will be of similar variety & poundage, but may contain different items. Occasionally, some crops are ready to harvest but not enough to deliver to all our drop-off locations. What we do is start to filter them in each week to a different drop-off until there is enough to delivery to everyone.

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